At Thai Orchid Massage & Spa, located within the Sky Pointe and Skye Canyon communities in Las Vegas, NV, we are dedicated to becoming your source for

information as part of your quest for a healthier lifestyle. We strive to keep massage enthusiasts up-to-date and informed on a variety of topics related to the health benefits of massage and understanding different massage modalities. This particular topic will focus on "How Massage Therapy Can Help Reduce Holiday Stress & Depression."
While for a lot of people the holiday season is a time filled with fun, food, and loved ones, the holidays can also be hectic and stressful. Stores are crowded, the work that needs to be done feels never ending, you feel obligated to attend every holiday party you’re invited to and give gifts, and the money you spend adds up more than at any other time of year. For others, maybe there's been a recent divorce, passing of a loved one, or geographically you're separated from family and friends. These factors can all create stress that can lead to burnout and depression and prevent you from enjoying your holidays.
If you get stressed by the holidays, we have some tips to help you relax and enjoy yourself this season.
Lists can be your best friend when it comes to staying stress-free through the holidays. Lay out lists of everything you want to do, need to get, gifts you’re going to give, etc. and set a plan on how you’re going to tackle the items. Starting to check things off your lists early instead of waiting until the middle of December will allow you more time to enjoy all that the season has to offer. If you’re hosting a party, prepare any food you can ahead of time, so you’re not stuck in the kitchen or running around getting things together on the day-of.
Maybe you dream of a picture-perfect holiday or just wish you could get back to your holiday traditions of the before-times but obsessing over your holidays can create unnecessary stress and trigger bouts of depression. It’s not the end of the world if your decorations aren’t hung just-right or your holiday dinner isn’t Instagram-worthy. Focus your energy on having a good time and creating happy memories, rather than hosting the perfect holiday get together, giving the perfect gifts, or fitting in every activity imaginable. Your mental health will thank you for it!
Money and spending worries can be a big trigger for stress and depression this time of year. But the holidays aren’t about how much you can spend, so set a budget for your holiday spending and stick to it. Gift giving is not a requirement for an enjoyable holiday, despite popular misconception. If you do feel inclined to give gifts, homemade gifts are not only less expensive but often more meaningful.
You don’t have to do everything by yourself; divide tasks and recruit helpers. Assign tasks like decorating or shopping to your children or partner. If you’re hosting a holiday party, consider having a potluck where guests each bring an item, so you don’t have to prepare an entire meal. The responsibility for pulling off a great holiday shouldn’t fall on one person.
A good night’s sleep is essential to the health of your mind and body. Sleep allows our bodies to rest and recharge and is essential to our overall health. Maintaining good sleep habits will help you feel more relaxed during the day and help you function better overall, allowing you to better enjoy your holiday season.
You might feel obligated to attend every holiday party or event you get invited to, but a full schedule might leave you feeling overwhelmed and over-committing can cause lots of anxiety. Prioritize invitations and don’t be afraid to turn down invitations in favor of enjoying some peaceful, restful time at home. Remember, sometimes less is more and you can’t always do it all.
Meditation is an easy and quick way to clear and calm your mind. Follow a guided meditation -you can find some for free on youtube or download an app- or just take a few minutes to sit quietly with a clear mind and breathe. Setting aside some time for some mindful minutes can do wonders for your stress level and mental health.
In all the hustle and bustle of the holidays it can be easy to lose track of time, but it’s important to continue doing the things you normally do to maintain your mental health and bodily wellness. Take time to exercise, do yoga, take a bath, read a book, do a puzzle, watch holiday movies, or enjoy a spa day. Whatever helps you maintain your mental health and feel at ease.
Massage therapy has shown to be effective in reducing symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression. A one-hour massage is equivalent to 8 hours of sleep for the body. Holidays are stressful on everyone to some degree. We are here for you and want to help keep you relaxed and your mental health in check. We're open 6 days (except Tuesdays) from 9am to 9pm. We gladly accept walk-ins, time permitted, but strongly encourage you to either call ahead at 725.259.6295 or book online.